
Static Websites

Remember the World Wide Web times when all the websites were static!! Everything starts with a seed size idea and then grows to a big tree as time changes. Same is applicable to the technology developments. With the time, the website became more functional and friendlier to the user. But to do so, development process …

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Top 7 Web Development Trends To Follow In 2018

Web development is a rapidly changing domain, each new advancement comes with better functionality and enhanced user experience. Every year brings us some new ideas, trends, and updates. Web development is all about improving UI and UX, so it becomes extremely important for the web designer to be vigilant about the top Web Development Trends.

Progressive Web Applications 

PWAs are applications that are based on the recent web technologies like Manifest. Progressive Web Application is a mobile website but gives the user an experience of an “app”. With custom loading screen, good animation and no navigation bar presence, PWAs is going to give tough competition to the native mobile applications in 2018.

Photography for beginners

[vc_row][vc_column width=\”1/6\”][/vc_column][vc_column width=\”2/3\”][movedo_title heading_tag=\”h2\” heading=\”h1\” increase_heading=\”140\” custom_font_family=\”custom-font-1\”]Tips for Beginners[/movedo_title][movedo_empty_space][vc_column_text]Cu est primis minimum adipiscing. Vitae habemus epicuri ei sea. Erat affert no vis, an suas hinc molestiae cum. Nec at putent nostro nostrud. No his ancillae deleniti, no nostrud cotidieque mei. Est ut illum postulant, eum facete suavitate ut. Ei vis regione sanctus, impedit sententiae eum …

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